Swedish Energy Agency Statistics database
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Official Energy statistics
Annual energy balance
biogas and digestate
Calorific values and density
Dwellings and non-residential premises
Energy consumption in fishery sector
Energy consumption in forestry
Energy consumption in manufacturing industry
Total energy consumption (incl. transports) in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2002, 2005-2007

Total energy consumption (incl. transports) in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2007, 2008-

Total energy consumption (incl. transports) in mining and manufacturing industry by energy products, 2005-

Consumption of energy products in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2002, 2005-2007

Consumption of energy products in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2007, 2008-

Consumption of own produced biofuels in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2002, 2005-2007

Consumption of own produced biofuels in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2007, 2008-

Cost of purchased energy in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2002, 1000 SEK, 2005-2007

Cost of purchased energy in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2007, 1000 SEK, 2008-

Energy consumption per employee by SNI2002, MWh/employee, 2005-2007

Energy consumption per employee by SNI2007, MWh/employee, 2008-

Total energy consumption in (incl. transports) in mining and manufacturing industry, TWh, 2005-

Energy consumtion in agriculture
Energy consumtion in construction
Energy use in the transport sector
Grid connected photovoltaic systems
Production, imports and export of unprocessed wood fuels
Quarterly energy balance
Wind power statistics
Wood fuel-, peat and wasteprices