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Skogsbrukets slutliga energianvändning, GWh, 2005-

Logotyp för officiell statistik



Johan Vinterbäck, Tel: +46(0)-5442073, E-post:
Statens Energimyndighet
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Skogsbrukets slutliga energianvändning (total användning exkl. transporter) fördelad på energivara, 2005- efter År och Enhet

This page shows the results of the figures you selected on the variable-page in PxWeb. On this result-page you can download the numbers in another format, pivot or edit them. You can also save them as a saved query, which can be sent to others or used as a link the next time you want to see these numbers with new time periods.
20231 495
20221 532
20211 559
20201 456
20191 499
20181 504
20171 577
20161 531
20151 477
20141 564
20131 563
20121 484
20111 462
20101 479
20091 293
20081 398
20071 483
20061 254
20051 860
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